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What are the advantages of CSR Bluetooth chip?

Original text: http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/337527.htm

According to the article written by Junko Yoshida, the chief international reporter of eetimes, if the transaction is concluded, it will benefit CSR enormously, while avoiding the risk of competing chip manufacturers integrating Bluetooth technology into system chips in the future. Qualcomm values csrmesh, the killer of CSR's commitment to Internet of things applications.

Csrmesh is a low-power mesh network communication technology based on Bluetooth. It can creatively build smart terminals (including smart phones, tablets and PCS) into the core of smart home and Internet of things (IOT) applications, and create mesh networks for countless devices that also support Bluetooth smart for interconnection or direct control.

Csrmesh technology can greatly expand the control range of users, and has the characteristics of simple configuration, network security and low power consumption, which are better than ZigBee or Z-Wave schemes. It adopts a broadcasting technology. The distance between nodes is 30 to 50 meters, and the minimum transmission delay between nodes is 15 ms. the node chip has relay function. When the control signal reaches the first wave of controlled equipment, they will broadcast the signal again to the second wave, the third wave and even further equipment, and can also return the temperature, infrared and other signals collected by these equipment.

The emergence of csrmesh technology may become a major threat to wireless transmission technologies such as Wi Fi and ZigBee. However, this protocol is yet to be incorporated into the Bluetooth Technology Alliance standard, giving other technologies a breathing space. The news of Qualcomm's acquisition of CSR may promote the inclusion of csrmesh technology into the standard of Bluetooth technology alliance. Low power Wi Fi and ZigBee are also actively layout. When the three major technology competition situations are established, it will accelerate the choice of wireless transmission technology in smart home, smart lighting and other markets.

Post time: Mar-19-2022