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TWS headset function innovation will become the core selling point in the future

Functional innovation: The innovation of TWS earphone SOC is closer to that of mobile phone SOC rather than a single functional chip. Micro-innovation of SOC will continue to emerge. The penetration rate and branding rate of TWS earphones have not yet been completed. At the same time, technological innovation is still halfway through. Refinement is currently mainly reflected in four directions:
(1) AI voice interaction: further liberate hands through voice wakeup, and make TWS officially become the entrance to the Internet of Things. Many application scenarios will be explored in the future, such as translation and dictation. Currently, only high-end products are supported on the Android side, and its accuracy And convenience is also lacking.
(2) Sensor integration/health: Apple, the industry leader, is studying how to use AirPods as a health device, which can read body temperature, monitor human posture, and enhance the development of auxiliary hearing functions. It is expected that other manufacturers will follow Apple’s direction. .
(3) Ecological innovation/ecological closed loop: Support seamless switching of devices, support for shared audio, one-to-two functions, etc. It should be noted that smart headphones do not have an operating system/software ecosystem like smartphones, so their product-level functional innovations Both are based on SOC chip hardware and operating system level, so the ecological closed loop of mobile phones and earphone products of the same brand will become more mature and easy to use, such as the pop-up window of smart earphones, voice assistant, automatic call answering, firmware upgrade, etc. On the one hand, the stickiness of the smartphone and the earphone products of this brand has been greatly improved. future,
We believe that the smart earphone market is expected to gradually move towards the pattern of “Android with Android, Apple with Apple”, and non-A-end brand products will usher in greater growth flexibility.
(4) SOC chip process upgrade/energy consumption control: Similar to mobile phones that continue to iterate following Moore’s Law, all the above innovations in sound quality and functions will further enhance energy consumption, while battery upgrades are difficult, so TWS SOC will follow Moore’s Law to maintain continuous upgrades Reduce energy consumption

Post time: Jun-01-2022