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The penetration of TWS among consumers lies in three points

The penetration of TWS among consumers lies in three points:

a: stability,

Stability benefits from the popularity of Bluetooth 5.0 and the maturity of various binaural connection solutions.

b. acoustic quality,

2. Acoustic quality is also closely related to Bluetooth. Various lossless audio coding schemes (Qualcomm, Sony, Huawei, etc.) are on the horizon. The noise reduction function of Airpods Pro is also expected to be popularized in non-Apple TWS. TWS acoustic quality will gradually be related to wired headphones On par, the biggest disadvantage of wireless headphones over wired headphones will be reversed.


c. functionality.

3. In terms of functionality, the addition of voice assistants has made TWS officially an entry point for the Internet of Things, and many application scenarios will be tapped in the future. The function of health monitoring will be icing on the cake for TWS when the technology is mature.

Post time: Apr-25-2022