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MEMS Acoustic Membrane

In addition to water pressure-resistant sound-permeable membranes, another application of ePTFE expanded body in the field of consumer electronics is MEMS acoustic membranes, which benefit from the technological innovation of MEMS acoustic sensors (MEMS microphones). Before the advent of MEMS acoustic sensors, consumer electronic products such as mobile phones, computers, and game consoles were mainly equipped with ECMs. As it becomes more miniaturized, MEMS acoustic sensors quickly seize the market due to their small size and good stability. At present, overall MEMS acoustic sensors have a high penetration rate in smart phones, laptops, earphones, automotive electronics and other fields, and have certain application prospects in the Internet of Things field.
During high-volume assembly of printed circuit boards for cell phones, cameras, and other acoustic devices, there are several technical issues that can compromise the integrity of MEMS acoustic membranes, including pressure build-up due to extremely high temperatures during reflow, particulate contamination, and atomized solder Melt droplets can damage MEMS microphones, resulting in reduced acoustic performance, lower yields, and higher manufacturing costs for electronic devices. Therefore, dust-proof shielding and pressure balance are performance requirements that need to be urgently addressed in the production of MEMS microphones. The MEMS acoustic membrane design solution based on ePTFE technology has been proven to prevent particle contamination and pressure build-up, support acoustic testing in the process, and can be seamlessly integrated into the automatic pick-and-place process; at the same time, due to the excellent waterproof performance of ePTFE, In addition to particle protection and balanced pressure, it can also rely on the integrated design of the package to achieveIP68water immersion protection at the component level.

Post time: Nov-23-2022