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In-ear active noise reduction

The effectof in-ear active noise reductionis easily affected by the size of the ear. The smaller ear type is more suitable for wearing, and thenoise reduction effectis more obvious. The large ear type wears more loosely, and the noise reduction effect is not obvious. It is recommended to keep the earphones close to the ear when wearing, which will get better noise reduction effect. In addition, the active noise cancellation function is more obvious in the low frequency range, such as the roar of a car or bus, the street, and the sound of the office air conditioner. The noise reduction effect of medium and high frequency noise is not obvious, such as human voice, broadcast, whistle, and impact sound. Adaptive noise reduction, exclusive to your silence
After the noise reduction is turned on, the adaptive noise reduction technology can detect the current ear canal structure and wearing state, and intelligently match the best parameters among multiple sets of noise reduction parameters, so that your ears can obtain exclusive noise reduction effects. While immersing you in the music, you will not miss the voice of your friends or the information broadcast of the station.

Post time: Oct-14-2022