If you have any queation, please contact us:(86-755)-84811973

Due to Chinese goverment’s policy of “Dual Control of Energy Consumption”

Due to Chinese goverment’s policy of “Dual Control of Energy Consumption”, many factories have been forced to “run for 2 days and stop 5 days”. (Some factories even run for 7 days and stop 7 days, different provinces have different policies.) Unitl now, our factory hasn’t received any notice from government yet, but our material suppliers have received such notice, and their production capacity is only half or less than normal conditions. This curbs on electricity supplies will last until the end of this year, and some provinces will even implement it until March 31st, 2022.

The direct impact will be long lead time and 100% price increase. In fact, we have already received one more round of chipset price increase from chipset suppliers. As this situation will last for long time, we are afraid that it will be more and more difficult to buy materials in the following months, and someone will even pay higher prices to rob materials.

So for the ECO-products order, we should confirm it within this week.Then we can purchase material and arrange production schedule in advance to avoid the price increase.
If we don’t confirm order this week, we have to increase the price then. We really don’t want to increase the price for you…But the situation is very serious in market now.

Hope you can understand.

Post time: Oct-21-2021