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Bone conduction speaker unit

Bone conduction technology
Bone conduction technology realizes sound transmission by vibrating the skull, without going through the external auditory canal and eardrum, without damaging the eardrum and the ossicular chain.
The bone conduction horn adopts the principle of bone conduction technology, and directly transmits the vibration to the cochlea through the facial bones.
Bone conductionspeaker unit
Bone conduction is often used in earphones, glasses and other products. Based on bone conduction technology, it directly transmits sound to human bones through mechanical vibration, without the need to put speakers in the ears, which ensures the comfort of wearing and allows users to use earphones without affecting the reception of the external environment. information for added security. At the same time, this series of speakers has a wide frequency band and low distortion, which can restore the sound quality to the maximum extent and bring a user experience that is not inferior to traditional headphones.

Post time: Nov-04-2022