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Bone conduction

There are two ways for sound to enter the human ear. One uses air as the medium, and the other uses human bones as the medium.Bone conductionmeans that sound waves are directly transmitted to the inner ear using the human skull as the medium. Beethoven used this technology a long time ago. The theory of bone conduction has been developed in the 1950s, but it has only been known to the public in the past 20 years, and it has only been used in the military in recent years. Conduction technology is a mature technology that has not been promoted on a large scale, and has great potential for development.
Compared with ordinary air conduction,bone conductiontechnology has the following advantages: First, it does not spread in the air, so it plays an important role in occasions where strong noise reduction capability is required. Second, bone conduction can accept sounds in a wider frequency range, so that the high-frequency sound quality is better; third, some people with conductive hearing impairment still have the ability of bone conduction, so they can achieve hearing aid; fourth, bone conduction equipment The working principle is mechanical vibration, and there is no radiation hazard of electromagnetic waves; fifth, the sound emitted by bone conduction equipment will not affect others; sixth, bone conduction headphones do not need to be inserted into the ear, and will not cause organic damage to the ear canal

Post time: Sep-14-2022