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Basic characteristics of SoC chip industry

①In recent years, the technological innovation ofBluetoothhas driven the rapid growth of the demand forBluetooth audioSoC chips
In recent years, with the vigorous development of the Internet of Things industry, Bluetooth, as one of the main methods of wireless connection of the Internet of Things, has many application scenarios for terminal equipment. According to SIG’s forecast, annual shipments of Bluetooth devices will exceed 7 billion units by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 9% from 2022 to 2026. Among them, audio transmission is the earliest and most important application field of Bluetooth technology. Since the introduction of Bluetooth technology, it has shown a trend of continuous technological innovation and continuous growth of terminal applications. Since audio transmission is the most mature and complete application scenario for Bluetooth IoT devices and wearable technologies, Bluetooth audio devices have also become the primary traffic portal for smart interconnection in recent years. According to SIG’s statistics and forecasts, the global shipments of Bluetooth audio products will be nearly 1.3 billion units in 2021, and the annual shipments of Bluetooth audio transmission devices alone will exceed 1.8 billion units by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate from 2022 to 2026. will reach 7%. With the release and widespread use of the Bluetooth 5.2 standard, especially LE Audio, Bluetooth technology will shine in health and sports wearable devices such as hearing aids and wrist wear, and form the next outlet industry.
②The portable audio and video SoC chip industry presents a “long tail effect”, and the market has concentrated on the head enterprises represented by the company
Portable audio SoC chips are mainly used in portable audio players and portable voice recorders, etc. Portable video products are widely used in the fields of jukeboxes and advertising machines, and have entered a “long tail state”. Portable audio and video products have a stable performance contribution and technological development foundation in the company’s overall product system layout.
③Intelligent voice interaction SoC chips are still in the early stage of the market outbreak and have broad market prospects
With the development of information technology, intelligent voice technology has become the most convenient and effective means for people to acquire and communicate with each other. In the future, intelligent voice interaction can create new “accompanying” scenarios. Compared with other images and two-hand control, voice interaction does have various advantages. The more complex the space, the more advantages it can exert. At present, technologies such as cloud computing, 5G, deep learning, and AI chips have matured one after another. People’s discussions are no longer limited to life scenarios centered on smart homes. The concept of “AI+IoT” has also produced smart cities, smart More fields such as manufacturing, smart office, smart cockpit, and smart education generate greater market space and value.

Post time: Jul-31-2022