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Advantages of bone conduction

Advantages of bone conduction

The transmission route of air conduction sound is “sound wave – auricle – external auditory canal – tympanic membrane – malleus – incus – stapes – vestibular window – external, endolymph – spiral organ – auditory nerve – auditory center”.

The bone conduction sound conduction pathway is: “sound wave-cranium-bone labyrinth-inner ear lymph fluid-spiral-auditory nerve-cerebral cortex auditory center”.

Air conduction must use the eardrum (eardrum) in the human ear to transmit the air vibration caused by the sound to the ear nerve inside the ear through the eardrum. When the performance of the eardrum declines due to aging or disease, it will cause hearing impairment to the person.

Bone conduction, using the principle of bone vibration sound transmission, transmits sound directly through the skull to the ear nerve inside the ear. Because the eardrum is not needed, even if the performance of the eardrum decreases due to aging or disease, the hearing will not be affected by using bone conduction to sense sound. This is the advantage of bone conduction hearing aids.


Post time: Jul-18-2022